Monday, 3 May 2010

Print Ad Ideas

These a two ideas we had when experimenting whilst thinking about our print ad.

Chloe & Chloe

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Chloe Kidd Technology Evaluation

Throughout this year i have used a variety of technology for instance i have used Cameras and an tripod whilst filming. I have also used I movie when editing. I have also used a software programme called GIMP which i used to create our print ad. Another programme i used was garage band which i used to make a song which was inserted into the radio print ad.

I found that the cameras were easy to work and that i got used to using them quickly. In addition with the cameras the tripods were simple to use. The software I movie took time to get used to but as the course progressed i felt my knowledge progressed too.

When using the software GIMP as i had knowledge of using Photoshop Adobe before in my other course, Photography. I used my knowledge from that course to produce our print ad. I inserted a photo of myself with exaggerated make up on symbolising the childhood toy Barbie. This is because she symbolises the 'perfect' women. Which gives the audience an idea of what our documentary is about. I then used various effects to enhance the photo and to make it much brighter and sharper to make it appear more 'in your face'. Although it doesn't take much as the photo has big eyes which are starring at the audience.
I then inserted text onto the print as well as the channel 4 logo to show the audience where to find the documentary along with the time and date it was on.

When using Garage Band i found it was quite simple to use as all of the buttons had descriptive writting on them explaining which ones did what. Also it was easy to drag each beat and tune to the main task bar. Which made it easy to try different beat to make the song. Once i chose each beat i could then enhance each beat by changing tuning and timing.

I feel that throughout this year my knowledge has improved whilst using these technologies.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

 This is a print advertisement I have annotated.I picked out ways the advert entices  the audience  through visual symbolism for example: red shoes equal sexual symbolism.
Also what attracts a certain audience and why.

chloe wall 

Evaluation PowerPoint

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

stuff for ppt

Conventions Of A Documentary
Actuality - Actuality is the term for film footage of real life events, places and people
Voice-over -the voice-over in a documentary is a commentary by the filmmaker, spoken while the camera is filming,
Interviews-The interview is a common documentary technique. It allows people being filmed to speak directly about events
Reconstructions - Reconstructions are also often used in documentaries. They are artificial scenes of an event which has been reconstructed and acted out on film based on information of the event
In a documentary, the exposition occurs at the beginning and introduces the important themes of the film

Many techniques were used when making this print ad for instance:

‘Watch it or the beast will get ya!’ - Slogan, catchy, stays in audiences head, humour - consumers are entertained so tent to be well disposed towards brand.
Consumer feels that they are being spoken to personally with the word ‘You’. We chose to change the word you to ‘Ya’ as it shows there will be a sense of humour in this documentary as well as it rhyming better and not being so formal. Also younger people use such words like this so they can relate to this I.e Demographic & physcographic audience.

Gives a second layer of meaning to impress the consumer with its smartness and novelty.

Beauty appeal : Beauty attracts us; we are drawn to beautiful people places and objects.

Celebrity Endorsement: Associates product with a well known person - Barbie is well known . She is known for being a ‘perfect women’ ect.

The radio trailer sticks to code and conventions in that it has music, voiceover, informs the listeners the time and date the documentary is being broadcasted. This radio trailer and the print ad help to advertise the documentary and outline the subject it covers.

Before making our radio trailer we listen to various professional trailers that have been heard on the radio. From these we were able to see what codes and conventions worked affectively.

Barbie – Perfect Women Is Barbie to Blame?

Any child watching prime-time TV is also exposed to ultra-thin women. "How many adults talk about dieting, looking greater as they become thinner and thinner?
According to recent studies, many fifth- and sixth-grade girls have tried to lose weight. It doesn't mean that they will develop anorexia nervosa, but it does mean that they are feeling the crush of cultural and social pressure.
"As an example, look at the figure of Barbie. Her figure is an impossibility for any young girl or woman to achieve, and yet she is the image of beauty," ."How many girls yearn to look like her, or other dolls of the same image?"

Barbie holds the distinction of being the first doll to become an adult figure in the child’s life . She became an icon, a role model, a figure to be emulated and revered, transforming the child’s role of caretaker to one of the passive bystander and observer of a creature who had made it in life and had it all. She would ultimately become a representative of our own culture. Mothers, as well as their daughters took in Barbie’s messages about how shape and size matters.
If she were alive, Barbie would be a woman standing 7 feet tall with a waistline of 18 inches and a bustling of 38-40.

She would need to walk on all fours just to support her peculiar proportions . Yet media advertising, television and Hollywood would reinforce her message, influencing what would become the American ideal of beauty . By the time a girl is 17 years old, she has received over 250,000 such commercial messages through the media. Eating disorders are the most lethal of all of the mental health disorders, killing or maiming 6-13% of their victims, 87% of whom are under the age of 20

Cindy Jackson

Cindy Jackson, was so influenced by Barbie that it became her life mission to look exactly like her. Her obsession to look like Barbie started when her parents bought her first Barbie at the age of 6. And she didn't give up until she reached her goal . She ended up spending about $55,000 and underwent 20 plastic surgery operations to reach her goal of becoming Barbie.(3)
20 operations!

This is just one example of how impossible it is to reach this ideal image without major alterations of our natural beauty.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages
The techniques I have used since filming our documentary is: learning how to do extended research for example looking for statistics on female confidence,above is a picture of one of the websites I used to find statistics .I also learnt how to use cameras as i had never really used one before.I had to develop my knowledge of using the tripods as we used it in a lot of our shots for example in interviews. and apple mac computers which I had little knowledge about.I also had to learn to apply skills into using I movie which we used to upload and edit our film.I also had to learn to use which you can see the screen print above.  I had to learn to use this because this is where we uploaded our film information about filming and our progress on the project all together.I think I successfully learnt how to use all different things i had to develop my knowledge on.
by chloe wall

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

  • Firstly we found that we have successfully caught the attention of part of our target audience. The girls body language was open whilst watching the footage. The boys simply looked board one even checked the clock to see how long of the viewing was left. This was emphasised more in the feed back of our questionnaire. For example, when asked, 'Would you want to watch the whole documentary?And Why?' comments such as the following were given. " I would defiantly want to watch a second half, I don't feel this issue is highly addressed" (girl) and " It was good however needs more information for boys, lost interest part way though" (boy). From our audience feedback we learnt that

  • Audio and Editing - We asked 'What did you think of the editing?' and 'Do you think the music compliments our documentary?'. Due to our documentary not being completely finished in terms of editing we understood that there would be a plethora of criticism. For example due to there being a 'voice of god' Narration over a blank screen (as we have not yet uploaded the chosen image), all commented on this saying there should be an image. Feed back on the audio was positive. This shows with regards to our target audience (demographic) that we have picked the appropriate Audio, as it is modern, recognisable(therefor hook/ create and keep the audience interested as they can identify this with this part of culture). We did receive criticism however on raising and lowering the levels and with part. This shall be adjusted immediately.

Monday, 22 March 2010

This is our final add

The background photo is of one of our group members. We chose to use this photo as the doll like make up mirrors the title above saying ' A mask doesn't hide what you feel inside! '. It also appeals to our chosen target audience being young women. This is due to the bright make up, a women's face and knowing that is symbolises Barbie. Also as the 'Barbie' is blowing glitter this could symbolise various things, for instance fairy/confidence dust or it could represent how the media influences societies thoughts with sugar coated truths.

Could this image being shown then be the fashionBEASTer?

We chose to keep the titles simple as the background image itself is bright and in your face. The title at the top of the page wasn't put on the forehead for no reason, this symbolises that this message should be imprinted on your head to remember the message and to love yourself for what you are. The Channel 4 logo in the right upper corner shows the audience where to watch the documentary. This will also appeal to people who regularly watch channel 4. The title of the documentary is at the bottom of the photo we chose to add colour to word 'BEAST' as it portrays how we feel about how the media itself is a beast, without being too bias. We were inspired by a print ad we looked at previously which we annotated, this was 'America the Beautiful'. Underneath the documentary title the audience can see what time and day it is screening.

Our print ad would possibly be placed on a London Bus that has a bus route through oxford street. This is because of London being the capital of fashion. In addition our propaganda is circulating the mainstream points where our physcographic and demographic target audience are.

Chloe Kidd

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Evaluation of technology - Apple Mac and i-movie

Whilst engaging in the production of this documentary there have been a plethora of technologies used in the construction.

One of which is the apple mac. From this I have learned and gained a plethora of skills.
At first it was hard to adapt to this format of computing, due to being used to the universally used is that of windows.

Examples of skills gained are:
* Learning shot-cut keys
* Use of soft wear such as I-movie, garage band etc...

Advanced - extract audio
Editing transitions, viedo FX, audio FX, titles
Importing clips

Print advertisements

This is an annotated print advert of a documentary called America the Beautiful. This documentary has the same demographic audience as our documentary has, Although the physcographic audience maybe different to ours as ours as more for quirky people who could be students whereas this documentaries physcographic audience is for a wider range of audience who are affected by the obsession of beauty in America.

Chloe kidd

Thursday, 11 March 2010


To construct our documentary we first needed to formulate a clear definition of what documentary is. Therefor after research and analysising other documentaries we were able to pin point key conventions and trates.

We have come up with the following one example by Chloe Kidd is 'documentary is a spontaneous, realistic film based on anything, from which one researches to make there own conclusion.'

Once we had our definition this was the foundation ideology for which our documentary would be based upon. 

There was a plethora of inspiration for this documentary. For example, how to look good naked, 10 years younger and the Dove campaign. Looking at these documentaries we found that the following modes were common, Pro-formative and interactive. There were also traces of an observational approach. 
We however have chosen to use an observational mode. This we found worked well as we decided to use a narrator instead of a presenter with the 'voice of god' convention. 
Here we could take away a possible presence of bias away, therefor conforming to our definition of documentary, as the audience can formulate there own conclusions. 

covert!! add in!!

As as group the common concuss was that we needed primary footage. Due to the topic and nature of our documentary we decided to use London Oxford Street. This is because london is one of the fashion capitals of the world. The audience can engage subconsciously with the meaning of this signal though that of connotation and denotation. 

When filming one of the standardized conventions of documentary were for-filled which was that of spontaneity. In liverpool street train-station, the how to look good naked crew were filming. 
So when Chloe Kidd and Chloe Wall were out to film the footage they captured this. As you can see above. We decided as a group that this would be mandatory to put in the documentary as currently in today society Gok warn is an influential icon when it comes to Fashion. 
We also used an interviewees home. This was to create a natural environment for the participant. Here convocation could flow naturally. This was also show to show the target audience that the subject being disscussed is on a personal level, as reflected in the interview content. 
School - proffestional setting etc.... (comeback and finish)

Opening sequence:
It was a consensual idea for this section concerning audio was to use Lady Gaga's bad romance. Reasons being this song is directly linked with todays youth played  


Today we have been finaliszing the script for the directors commentary. 
Chloe Kidd has looked at the script and slightly modified the opening to grab audience attention.
Also as shown above Chloe Wall was conducting extra research on radio conventions and advertisement. 

Thursday, 4 March 2010

planning the script

Below is the Brainstorm of ideas to break down what was done in the table to make is easier for me to adjust :
Here is a story board for the script so I can mess around with order and add more ideas:
Here I have started to piece to get clips for the directors commentary. There has also been some narration added. Blog entries have been added, clips from the documentary. The narration that shall be added when the script will explain in greater detail what is going on why what has been done etc.... :
Written by Chloe wall and Chrishelle Henderson

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Planning the commentary

We are now planning our directors commentary.
Below is an image is of a table that I have done to make writing the script easier. Here I have split the documentary into sections e.g. opening sequence, interview one...etc...
Here I have started to inserted the notes of why we have done what we have done. The effect on the audience and so on.
Here I have explored the following aspects of the documentary: Audio and sounds (diagetic and non diagetic), Camera angles, Actor annotation, voice over, location, and other notes or comments.
I feel when writing the script for the documentary this will give us accurate coverage of each aspect we must talk about. I shall also do this for when talking about other aspects such as planning.

Above is a video Blog of me explaining this in more detail.

Written and Filmed by Chrishelle Henderson

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Radio Script

Below is the Script for our radio advertisement:

Oi whats she wearing?
Her bum looks huge.... wait does mine look big in this?
Is this how I'm ment to look?
Bingo wings
flabby belly
urhh small boobs
fat ankels
SHUSHHHHHHHH!! stop putting yourselves down
But nothing tastes as good as skinny feels - *squeeky imitation* but nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
All right kate put a Doughnut in it!
Does this sound like you? Come with us this explore why women like you are at war with there bodies this thursday 9 o'clock BBC3!
Be there or the beast will get ya. *beast noise*

Thursday, 11 February 2010


We now have a draft of our radio script. Also we have set time aside tomorrow to record the radio advertisement.

Today we have used the websites and to look for the correct audio, So it would hook and keep the interest of out target audience. However it must also have relevance to the subject of documentary, so this can be carried across to the audience clearing ambiguous thoughts.

We have been looking at sound effects on these sights. Also we have been importing them into garage band.
Here we experimented for example with looping sounds, importing, and audio adjustment (volume...).

( is a website with un-copy writ ed music)
( is a site where a plethora of the audio must be purchased)

Written By Chrishelle Henderson and Chloe Kidd

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Radio Scripts

Radio is a fundamental part in society in informing and entertaining the public in everyday life. A plethora of stations contain advertisements to public the product or programme being sold or publicised.

Therefore when looking at theses advertisements it was notable that the time period of the broadcast was aired played a significant roll in the nature and tone of the advertisement due to the variation of the demographic though out the day.

Therefore we looked into a varierty of Radio stations and due to the nature of our documentary it would be shown after water shed, and made a unanimous decision that our show should be pluged from 9:oopm to 11pm onwards on the chosen station.

We linked our documentary to the station Radio 1 due to the 10-12pm Broadcast of 'the surgery' with Alard Jones.

Below is the Script for our radio advertisement:

Oi whats she wearing?
Her bum looks huge.... wait does mine look big in this?
Is this how I'm ment to look?
Bingo wings
flabby belly
urhh small boobs
fat ankels
SHUSHHHHHHHH!! stop putting yourselves down
But nothing tastes as good as skinny feels - *squeeky imitation* but nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
All right kate put a Doughnut in it!
Does this sound like you? Come with us this explore why women like you are at war with there bodies this thursday 9 o'clock BBC3!
Be there or the beast will get ya. *beast noise*

Written by Chrishelle, Chloe and Chloe

Radio Resurch (advertisment conventions)

For guidence we looked at the following websites:

Also we listened to a plethora of Radio stations such as those on the BBC, such as radio 1 and mainstream stations such as, heat, capital, Xfm, and Kiss 100. To hear the conventions of the advertisements. Here we could see what grabs attention and what seems tedious. From this we grasped notes such as use of alliteration, rhetoric and Sound effects were successful ways of grabbing attention of an audience.
The above image shows the note taking process that I took when exploring the conventions. To access The BBC radio stations using the BBC Iplayer website. Due to all the scheduled shows being listed we could listen to the shows and see the variation between adverts due to the time of day they are being broadcasted at. 

Written By Chrishelle Henderson

Audience questionair results

The audience contained both males and females between the ages of 16 - 24.

Here are our findings from the screening:

  • Target audience - Firstly we found that we have successfully caught the attention of part of our target audience. The girls body language was open whilst watching the footage. The boys simply looked board one even checked the clock to see how long of the viewing was left. This was emphasised more in the feed back of our questionnaire. For example, when asked, 'Would you want to watch the whole documentary?And Why?' comments such as the following were given. " I would defiantly want to watch a second half, I don't feel this issue is highly addressed" (girl) and " It was good however needs more information for boys, lost interest part way though" (boy).

  • Audio and Editing - We asked 'What did you think of the editing?' and 'Do you think the music compliments our documentary?'. Due to our documentary not being completely finished in terms of editing we understood that there would be a plethora of criticism. For example due to there being a 'voice of god' Narration over a blank screen (as we have not yet uploaded the chosen image), all commented on this saying there should be an image. Feed back on the audio was positive. This shows with regards to our target audience (demographic) that we have picked the appropriate Audio, as it is modern, recognisable (therefor hook/ create and keep the audience interested as they can identify this with this part of culture). We did recieve critcism however on raising and lowering the levels and with part. This shall be adjusted imediatly.

  • Interviews - As a general note it was highlighted that the interview with Francisca MacArthur ran too long. We feel that the views being expressed with in this interview is highly important and should not be cut away from. So to compromise with this feed back we are going to split the interview in to two halves but place appropriately.

Written by Chrishelle Henderson

Friday, 29 January 2010


These are our storyboards we did during the planning of our documentary .We are aware things may change whilst filming as there is a lot that we would like to go into our documentary and we need to stick to our time limit.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Today we have been continuing with recording and scripting the commentary for our documentary. As well as writing the questionnaire for our first audience screening.

Audience questionnaire

This is a questionnaire for the audience participating in our first screening of our documentary. This screening will take place next week Thursday. 

Does it interest you?And why?

Would you want to watch the whole documentary?And Why?

What did you think of the editing?

Do you think the music compliments our documentary?

Would you say our documentary is bias in anyway, If so why?

Would you agree with the topic of our documentary, If so why?

Is there any parts of our documentary that you would change?

Chloe Kidd

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Audio adjustmet

Currently I am at home sorting out some of the link music for the documentary. Due to copy right laws we cannot use popular music. However there is a loop whole if the songs are remixed. So the group decided that this is an appropriate thing to do.

I'm using the software called 'audacity' to make this possible.

Firstly I have tried to increase the speed of the audio by 4.176% . this worked well. Any more than this and the song starts to distort.

I tried to put an Echo in place however this did not work the delay time (in seconds) 1.000000 along with the Delay factor of 0.50000 distorted the song making it hard to hear and wave length impossible to read unless zoomed into at a high percentage.

Next i adjusted the pitch of the track from F down to E. semitones (half notes) of -0.89. The frequency (in HZ) is from 2756.250 - 2618.438. The percent change was -5.

Lastly i looked at the tempo (tempo with out changing pitch). Firstly i thought due to the genera along with the documentary segment it would work well speed up. So put in place a percent change of 4.76. However we wanted to see if a decrease would also work just as well. I tried it by a -6% however with the other alterations sounded sloppy. Or to put in colloquially like a drunk person slurring there words. Which is not the effect one was looking for. I decided in the end to leave it at a -2% change.

Now the basics have been changed to give this segment of music a youthful and original feel to look at factors such as the 'wahwah' and the 'Phaser' effect and so on to see if any of these were appropriate. The 'whawah' effect did not work well, it distorted the music and created an I'm balance with the speakers. So ultimately used the other effect.

Next I adjusted the base to a frequency of 50 (Hz) and a boost (dB) 8. Anymore than this the music distorts and hurts the ears.

From point 0.0 where the audio starts on the stereo track bar I introduced a 'fade in' to the point 3.0. However this took away impact from the start and therefore would not impact the documentary in the way necessary.
Next i used the 'Envelope tool' to adjust wave size.

The segment of music is 28seconds long. This can be edited down on the apple mac computers to fit the documentary. Audio levels can be adjusted to when the presenter speaks, and fade outs can be introduced.

The images below show how the audio was adjusted:

Now just need to add this to the documentary.

Written by Chrishelle Henderson, Chloe Kidd and Chloe Wall

editing footage

As shown in the above image we continued to edit our footage.

We also stated to recorded the 'presenter' introducing the interviews. And aliening this in the selected part of the documentary. Above we have Chloe Wall adjusting the script that we produced before had complex language and was too shot or looking slightly ambiguous with the selected segment of the documentary. Our new script has a lighter tone with a comical feel so our target audience could relate. This will also keep them engaged with the topic due to the use of rhetoric and humorous feel.

Writtern by Chrishelle Henderson

Thursday, 14 January 2010

progression 14th january 2010

Today we decided that we would go to our local shopping centre to do on the spot interviews with the public. However we decided this would be a bad idea as the weather was poor and not many people would do on the spot interviews because of the rain. This also would of been a bad idea as the weather would distorted the sound and picture.We have postponed the filming in a shopping centre and we are carrying on editing the filming we have already done.We are also planning what we are doing for weeks to come.

written by Chloe Wall

Wednesday, 13 January 2010


In todays lesson the following progress occured:

Firstly, Chloe kidd brought in magazines such as 'more' and 'cozmopolitan'. This will be used in an approximate 10-20secons worth of footage with in our documentary.

We thought that it be important to use these as a prop (iconography) as it will inhance what the presenter useing the voice of god will be saying. For example on all the magazines there are celebaraties and manny are regared as perfict, idea or role models within our socierty. This links with the idea that there is a correlation between the media projecting out an image to form a common concencious with in our socierty that you must look like a celebraty to be accept.
Also as theses are common magazines amungst todays youth and under twenty fives, our target audience can connect with this part of the documentary, as this gives it amore relatebale feel. This may also help intise our audience due to common faces within our media are being presented.
This segmet also provides us a way to move on to the next feature or interview with in our documentary.

Chloe Wall and Chloe Kidd, layed out the magazines across the table in almost a collarge fasshion. Then filmed some close ups and some panning shots.

I uploaded the footage on to the Apple Mac and started to cut it down to size to fit in to the documentary.
Also I extracted audio from part of the interview with Francisca,so the audio and images run simaltaniously. This will help show our audience the negative effects that magazinge advertisemtns for example in the media institution can have on self esteam.
Also after this was completed I cut down and aranged some of the clips to give the documentary a flow so it does not look like parts of do not fit in, look ambigious and even so it does not look like there is just a random tangent with in the documentary. Amost giving the documentary a feel of being continuous.

We now have the bare bones footage of our documentary. Here is the to do list that I desined with my team members for the next lesson:
Mix audio to fit documentary and find un-coppy writed music for sections.
Get the pictures of Francisca uploaded on to the apple Mac's
finalize the script

Writtern by Chrishelle Henderson

Monday, 11 January 2010

Pitch Preparation

When I was putting together the pitch on power point I decided that it might be beneficial if the group had flash cards to prompt and guide them thoughout the presentation of our pitch

Above are the flash cards that were used. However due to last minute editing some of the side numbers at the tops of the cards are no longer relevent due some slides being moved about in the presentaion.

Writtern By Chrishelle Henderson

Monday, 4 January 2010

Our pitch

Here is the Pitch that we constructed for our documentary.

Posted by Chrishelle Henderson

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Actor annotation and locations

Locations chosen:

Posted by Chrishelle Henderson

Camera angles

1. Establishing shot

Since the documentary is about fashion and beauty, we decided that it would be appropriate to have an establishing shot of a location for example London. Reason for this London is the prefect miss-en-scene. It is a location famous for being one of the worlds fashion capitals. Therefore due to our documentary focusing on fashion, this will engage our audience as many associate London with shopping and high profile. (Attention grabber)

2. Long shot
This shot is appropriate for us as it shows of an individuals clothing. Also allows a lack of bias to be conveyed to our audience.
3. mid-shot

This shall be used for interviews. Simple head and shoulders shot of our interviewees. Here the audience can see the emotions and body language of the interview and make a true judgement and opinion of what they are watching. The interviewee shall be placed at a slight angle facing the interviewer who is off camera.
3. Close up

Shows the audience the facial expresstions slightly more close up. This is done for impact for example when introducing an interviewee so the audience can start to get a rounded oppinion of them.

NO Over the shoulder shots as we wish not to create empathy or bias. There decision to the questions the documentary is based on should be ultimately made by our audience.

Written by Chrishelle Henderson


It has become ever apparent that we live in such a body concious socierty, with in our advetisements there are ageing creams, make up, cozmetic surgery answers to everything. As in this decade our media has become more and more overwhelming Chloe Kidd put the foundation idea for our documentary and then as a group we were inspierede by a plethora of television shows and campanins.

For example:
  • How to look good naked (channel 4)
  • 10 years younger (channel 4)
  • The dove campain for natural beauty
  • snog marry avoid (bbc3)
  • you are what you eat
  • General people whome we frequetly comunicate

Writtern by chrishelle Henderson


To see if our documentary would be relevent to a contemporay audience as a group we decided that questinaires would be an efficent way to gather this information. (Audience profilling)

The questions asked were aimed to see what the effect the fashion industry along with the mass media had on an idividual. Also we wanted to see the general moral and see if there was a concencious of attitude on weather or not people would want to watch our documentary.


From our results we gathered the following:
The audience would be perlimilary males and females of late teens and earlie 20's, falling under the quirky or ambisios psychographic catogory. Also due to the subject of annorexia being touched upon as an extream case of negative self-esteam memebers of families who have been touched with such cases may also fit into the audience.

writtern By Chrishelle Henderson