Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Does Beauty Advertising Destroy Self Esteem?

The documentary is about self-esteem and why it affects women so much, our aim is to try and understand why self-esteem has become such an issue to young girls especially.

Our documentary is a very serious matter as it affects so many young girls worldwide. We are going to explore if the media influences women’s body confidence if so how it does and why. In addition we are going to explore how the media (in particular magazines, music videos, adverts) has changed their representation of women throughout the years and why.

What type of Documentary is it?

Interactive as we will be getting involved with our documentary and being represented in our documentary. As well as observational mode when interviewing. We will be using a hand held camera to capture action as it happens.

What Documentary inspired you?

A documentary-film inspired us to do this called ‘America the beautiful’. This documentary is about how America is so obsessed with beauty. Another Documentary that inspired us was ‘How to look good naked’ which is directed by Gok Wan who has a campaign to get self confidence to be taught in schools. Also he tries to build women's self confidence throughout his programme

Is it Viable?

Making this documentary is highly feasible as we have access to a lot of the elements which we need to create this documentary. E.g.; Leicester square, Interviewees, Magazines, e.t.c. Also as we are in a school enviroment we have acsess to many age groups to see what age groups are influenced the most by how the media (magazines, billboards and advertising) and how it portrays 'beauty'.

What locations will you use?

We intend to film in our school, London Oxford Street, Leicester square, Enfield Town, Local Fitness Club, interviewees home. We will be going to London Oxford as we can see various body shapes, fashion styles and our target auidence. As well as many high street shops that we can explore.

Who will you approached for interviews?

We will be approaching various women to interview to get their opinions on media influences (magazines, billboards and advertising) and how they portray 'beauty'. As well as teachers and students. We will try to interview a head of a magazine company. We also have planned an interview with a recovered anorexic to look at the extreme sides of self esteem.

What further research will be required in order to be well informed?

In order to be well informed we will need to research the history of the media (in particular magazines, music videos, adverts). In additon we will be looking at modern advertising and how that influences young women. Also through questionnaires we will get a lot of reseach as well as researching statistics.

How will the 5 minute fit into a longer whole?

There is loads of paths we could go down. As well as many interviewees that we could interview. In addition there is history of the beauty advertisment that we could explore. We could also look into the mind set of the people who are involved with modeling or self esteem ie Dove campaign,Gok Wan or beauty padgents or plus size modeling. As it would make our documentary more personal to our audience. Lastly we could expand our target audience to younger girls to pensioners.

Who is you target audience?

Our demographic audience is teenage girls from the age of 13 to 18 aswell as women from the age of 18 to 30. This is because our demographic auidence would be quirky, ambitious and suceeder. As the suceeder would be someone who works in the beauty industry, ambitous would be somone aiming to work in or around the beauty industry and the quirky audience would be young girls who belive they are different and are inspired or influenced by how beauty is portrayed through the media. If we were to go by the theory that was created by Galtung and Ruge. Lastly we could expand our target audience to younger girls to pensioners if we were to do a longer documentary.

What channel would commission your documentary and why?

Channel 4 or BBC3 would comission our documentary as they have shown documentaries that are similar. For instance BBC3 have had documentaries like Teenage parents and Snog Marry Avoid? which have the same demographic audience as our documentary. Also other programmes like Family Guy and Russel Howard Good News which also has the same demographic audience as our documentary. In addition BBC3 show promgrammes that are controversial which our documentary could been seen as. Channel 4 would also commision our documentary as they have commisioned such documentaries as 'My beautiful Face' 'How racist are you' and 'how to look good naked'; which looks at boosting self confidence levels which is our aim for our documentary. They also have a campaign inwhich they are trying to get self confidence taught at schools. this has inspired us to meet up with students in the years below to find ourt their views and opinions on self esteem and how they are influenced with the way they look. Again this channel is highly controversial which could or could not fir into our 5 minute documentary. If we had more time on a longer whole we could make it extremely controversial.

Is there a global market for your documentary?

Of course theres a global market for our documentary, everyday in everyones lives they are bombarded with advertisment showing them how to look and dress. The media portrays this certain 'beautyiful' image that is extremely pressured onto women or many ages. We are going to look at the damage it has done to the age group closest to our own as we can relate to them, which is from 13 to 18.

Chloe Wall And Chloe Kidd

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